Sunday, March 3, 2013

The British Store

This shop is nothing like any other stores we have been examining before on this blog. It is not that big, not so fancy, and yet, it still very much deserves to be mentioned as the key part of my English week. The British Store is located in the XIIIth district of Budapest, in Tátra utca 26, and opens the magic storehouse of British delicacies to us.

The shop itself is a single room with floor to ceiling shelves on every wall. You have to go there a couple of times to exactly know what is where, but it is not a very big deal to figure out, as everything is on display: you take it, pay, and go.  The shelf on the left wall of the room is full of tea. You can get anything from Twinnings to Hampstead, PG Tips, Taylor's of Harrogate to Tetley. My personal favorite is Clipper which runs out quickly so you better hurry if you want to grab some!

On the right shelf you can find a variety of ingredients, most importantly: spices. There are specific spices for typical British meals (shepherd's pie, pudding, etc) as well as a wide variety of Indian spices, as Indian cuisine has nowadays a strong influence on British cooking. On the top of the shelf there is a long row of crunchy English breakfast cereal, something I usually cannot say no to.  You can also find delicious and finest quality sauces, chutneys, tinned food and an extremely wide variety of tea biscuits. If you really want to try out cooking Jamie Oliver style, your kitchen should never lack a jar of fine Coleman's Mustard, horseradish sauce or yummy English Marmalade.

Finally, this store has also a large selection of English beers and ales, and, nevertheless, my favorite: the cider. At least ten different types of ciders can be found in The British Store, and I am most probably underestimating the number. If you walk to the back of the room and take a peek to the left shelf behind the counter to see the beverages, you will certainly see what I am talking about.

The magic of The British Store lies in its simplicity, which also means that you do not have to expect extremely high prices either. Most of the brands sold in the shop is on the regular price that you would get it in Sainsbury's in England. Therefore, I really advise you to visit this place if you want to have some delicious English food for dinner.

If you want to find more information on the products of this shop, follow this link: The British Store

Opening Hours: 
Monday-Friday: 10:00-19:00
Saturday: 10:00-15:00

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